Things I Do:
I Teach: I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Writing Studies at Western University. I teach a wide variety of communication courses, ranging from public speaking and presentation courses (at both the undergraduate and graduate level) to business and science writing courses. I run the Department of English and Writing Studies' Creative Writers Speakers Series and teach a number of creative writing courses. I have also taught courses in Canadian and Children's Literature.
I Edit: I am the co-founder of The /tƐmz/ Review where I am a Literary Editor, Reviews Editor and general maker of the journal. I am the publisher at 845 Press. I also founded The Rusty Toque with Kathryn Mockler and I was both a Senior Literary Editor and the Reviews Editor for the journal.
I Write: I write prose, mostly short stories, sometimes novellas, and I always have a novel type thing in progress, although I probably won't admit to it.
I Walk My Dogs: They will tell you that this is my real job. They are not wrong.